A few questions... I have specific reasons for each one.

1) When you refer to the variable mass of a proton, are you thinking about
H, or protons in all elements?

2) If the mass of a proton = m_sub_p +- m_sub_v , would the variability
(m_sub_v) be less than or equal to the total mass of the electrons in the

From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 8:18 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Rossi's Best Chance

From: Chemical Engineer 

*       Can one "regen" the hydrogen by circulating it through some type of
catalyst, palladium etc to get it "re-energized" ?
Very interesting question/speculation. In fact you may have hit on an
important detail.

This probably gets back to QCD and gauge bosons - and how (or if) nuclear
mass can be transferred between nuclear entities, without benefit of a known
thermonuclear reaction. 

I have no strong clue, and do not pretend to be an expert on the full range
of QM, but have read as much on the subject as can be digested, up to now.
If I had to guess with limited knowledge, it would seem that the heavier (in
a.m.u.) that the "donor" is (it must be a proton conductor), then the more
likely extra mass in the form of nuclear bosons would transfer - i.e.
transfer from a heavier element to the "depleted" proton. Pd is a likely
candidate, but there are better ones.

Again, let's keep in mind the net proton mass is far from quantized. The
leap of faith is that net proton mass is an average with a range of values,
since it is not quantized like quark mass (and that it can vary a fractional
percent or more as "overage" or "deficit"). 

Of course, some of the mass variation would then be convertible to energy
when the strong force is pitted against Coulomb repulsion. That is where QCD
comes into play. Let's say the "known mass" of the proton in the standard
model is 938.272013 MeV. However, this is really an "average mass" based on
whatever the most advanced current measurement technique is being employed -
and that it can vary in individual protons. The quark component of protons
is the only component which is "fixed" with a quantum value and at least a
hundred MeV is "in play". There is a range of expendable mass-energy of the
non-quark remainder (pion, gluon, etc) - which is extractable as the 'gain'
seen in the Ni-H thermal effect - yet the proton maintains its identity.

Can this mass loss, if depleted (leading to quiescence) then can be
replenished by exposure to a heavy nucleus (bringing the average mass of the
proton back up)? That is the gist of our speculation.

Perhaps the proton net mass can go down to say - 937 MeV, for instance, on a
temporary basis, and with a decent amount of energy release - and thereafter
this deficit is recouped. We do not need to specify how it is recouped
(regauged) yet, but the route is surely encompassed in one of the
definitions of ZPE (i.e. Dirac's negative energy 'sea'). 


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