
If you are asking me I am Baptized Methodist and keep an open mind about
all things religion.  I think the Bible is a great human teaching and was
constrained by the limits of human scientific knowledge at the time it was
written.  My 8th great grandfather arrived on the second Mayflower vessel
and I have 8 generations of Yeoman farmers backing me.

I wonder how much the anthropic principle comes into play in our existance
and experience:

I think the f/$:! word was not needed.

I give Jojo credit for his work on a reactor and would like to hear more
about how that is coming.  i am getting ready to try something myself.

On Sunday, May 27, 2012, Peter Gluck wrote:

> or or means simply that Darwinism and ID cannot be both true in the same
> time and even any intermediate or combined solution is not possible. Just
> from curiosity are you a Bible literalist as my friend G. including
> Creation and Noah's Ark. You can write directly to  me< I respect your
> faith.
> Peter
> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 7:24 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
> **
> As I indicated before, I hesitated in posting about the fallacies of
> Darwinian Evolution in this forum as I find this forum extremely useful and
> don't want to clutter it with other subjects.  There is no need to ask me
> to stop as I have stopped and said I will only respond to any question
> posted about it.
> Besides, the point that I wanted to make was clearly illustrated.
> While, I respect and admire you, I wished you had been more unbiased.  If
> I being an adherent of Intelligent Design and beleiver were to violate the
> rules of civility of this forum and suggested to James to contort and
> perform that unmanageable sexual act, I would be roundly criticized and
> asked to leave, and no doubt by you.  Am I not right?
> Where is the unbiased, moral outrage from you regarding the blatant
> violation of the rules of civility of this forum?
> Demonstrate to me that you can be level-headed and demand an apology from
> James and my admiration meter for you will jump.
> While an apology from James is not required for me to refrain from
> discussing this topic, the lack of moral outrage from members regarding its
> absence will greatly diminish my respect for members of this forum and
> further serve to reinforce my assessment that members here are not really
> as open-minded as they claim to be.
> Jojo
> BTW, what do you mean by OR/OR dispute?
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Peter Gluck
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Monday, May 28, 2012 12:00 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Darwinian Evolution (Was Tritium in Ni-H LENR)
> Dear Jojo,
> I would friendly suggest you to you to stop this discussion from the
> simple reason that
> the analogy is not valid.
> Hot Fusion and Cold Fusion (LENR) are both real and possible, alternative,
> in a way complementary solutions.
> Evolution and Intelligent Project are opposites,mutually exclusive- and we
> (you too)
> can find hundreds of forums to discuss this subject ad infinitum. I am
> reading Skeptic Magazine but my good friend G. who is a famous baptist
> preacher keeps me informed with ID.
> I think this was the first time this OR/OR dispute
> was mentioned on this forum. But the analogy will not help.
> Peter
> On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:
> **
> OH my!  What is your major malfunction?  Are you experiencing major
> cognitive dissonance?  The Darwinian Evolution Religion you've pledge
> yourself to is not as factual as you thought it was?   Did I just hit a
> central nerve?  I thought we were discussing with civility?  I guess I just
> pissed you off too much with facts and logic.
> OK.  Whatever.

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