MacNap:  It should be noted that in an electrolyte the current results
from a chemical reaction at the anode and cathode (in this case the
generation of hydrogen and oxygen) there are no free charge carriers
in the solution itself.  The cations and anions are bound together by
electrostatic attraction and exist inside cloud quasi organized
solvent molecules.  Electrolyte ions do organize on the surface of
electrodes to screen the electric field at low potentials (most of the
voltage drop in an electrochemistry experiment happens within the
first nanometer of the electrode surface).  At the high fields quoted
in the linked paper, I cannot imagine how the electrolyte could screen
the applied field.  It seems reasonable to me that an electric field
could exist inside the cell, since electrolytes do not have free
charges that can migrate to the surface of the dielectric.

Electrolytes do not conduct electrons, they accept electrons and
donate electrons.  There are no charges flowing through the solution,
just reactions at the electrode surface.

Murray: It only takes a very tiny percentage of charges, positive and
negative to separate from the electrolyte onto the two opposite
plastic cell walls to balance the 6 kv external electric field.

That's a factoid I recall from 1960 freshman chemistry at MIT.

Once micro and nano wide channels of breakdown within the 1 mm plastic
walls, with 6 kv external metal plates outside the cells, evolve to
actually cross the walls, then sporatic micro and nano electric
currents will start to do complex things in tiny places on the
surfaces and within the electrolyte within the cell -- the conducting
channels in the walls may shut themselves down by melting the plastic
on the micro and nano scale, invisible to the eye -- resulting in
sporatic bursts of events.

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