At 12:27 PM 7/11/2012, David Roberson wrote:
Abd, do you have information concerning the relative magnitude of the power input drop relative to the nominal value in its absence? Are we speaking of a large percentage change?

The change is significant. I saw this in certain data, and discovered that a number of researchers in the field were familiar with it.

Looking at the ENEA replication of the Energetic Technologies SuperWave work, a "dc input" experiment has a plot of Pin, Pout, and electrolyte temperature. There are two episodes of elevated temperature and XP. Both show a sudden drop in input power preceding the elevated temperature and XP. That is, the first sign of the anomaly is the reduction of input power. The increase in temperature/XP follows immediately.

The paper is "Replication of Condensed Matter Heat Production," by McKubre et al, ACS LENR Sourcebook, 2008, pp 219-247. The chart is on p. 240, and it is discussed on p. 236.

McKubre et al ascribe the reduction of resistance to local heating:

"During the excess power burst the input power reduces due to the strong heating of the cathode and electrolyte canusing a reduction of the cathode interfacial impedance and the electrolyte resistivity (at constant dc durrent)."

It is not clear from the data that the reduction is due to local heating, because the reduction is not "during" the excess power burst. It precedes it, slightly. However, the excess power burst is measured through the temperature of the cell (not the cathode), so there will be a delay. From the data presented, it seems difficult or impossible to distinguish between a very local heating -- in the interface layer, which is quite thin -- and a reduction in impedance from a different cause, such as increased ionization.

These heat episodes were with the power supply operating in constant current mode. This power supply mode can hold current constant very accurately, with a response time in the order of microseconds. So a reduction in input power is a reduction in measured voltage, thus represents a decrease in cell resistance.

The reduction in input power cannot be the cause of the increase in temperature, one would expect the reversed effect, in fact. We'd think that reduced input power would result in reduced temperature, except for the anomalous effect creating apparent XP, excess power.

In that chart, input power is quite constant until this anomaly shows up, for over three hours as shown on the plot. Input power drops, the first episode, from 200 mW to about 50 mW. Since current is constant, this represents a resistance being cut by 75%.

The resistance then increases back to *almost* what it was before, after a few minutes at most. (One wishes for the raw data! I am sure they are collecting data at a much higher rate than they are plotting!)

Some level of XP remains, input power slowly rises to the previous level, then it drops again, not so far this time, but again abruptly. 200 mW down to about 130 mW. Again the output temperature rises, to an even higher level. This time the lowered resistance is sustained, quite flat, for almost two hours. When the resistance again abruptly rises, the output power gradually falls.

Looking at the other chart in the paper showing a fast episode, the L30 experiment, we see a fast rise in temperature simultaneously with the resistance drop. They represent the same plot time. In this case the time scale has been expanded, there are 18 data points per 0.2 hour. That would be 40 seconds per plot point.

I can't disentangle the timing of the onset, though, because the critical transient is obscured under the heavier plot line for the Output power.

It is quite obvious that researchers have not considered the resistance reduction to be very important, or it would have been plotted differently. This experiment is puzzling, because output power was substantially less than input power, though rising to meet it. Just before the transient, the input power was at about 130 mW, and the output power had risen to roughly 110 mW. What I'm used to seeing with CF XP bursts is that XP is running at about zero before the burst. Here it may have been negative.

The analysis looks at this power burst and, considering calorimeter characteristics, they estimate it as equivalent to 7 W for 600 seconds.

The initial purpose of my inquiry is not to explain the effect, but to examine and characterize it. How reproducible is it? Some of the data I've seen shows that it is quite reproducible. Lots of CF data is not presented in a way to make it visible.

However, given the effect, we can speculate a bit about the cause.

Something rather drastic is happening in these cells, and it's associated with power bursts.

Notice that if the cause is the temperature rise of the interfacial layer, this is strongly indicative that the power burst is being sourced at or near the surface of the cathode, not in the bulk of the cathode, nor in the electrolyte itself. A sudden massive rise in recombination at the cathode surface could explain this, though I doubt that this idea would withstand quantitative analysis.

Once what is already known about this effect is documented, experimental exploration will be suggested.

There is an obvious possible cause, given the roughly known LENR underneath the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect. That would be ionizing radiation, low energy, probably alphas, which requires only that new helium have some residual energy after whatever mechanism is distributing the vast bulk of the fusion energy to the cell contents. The FPHE is now known to be a surface effect, the reactions are taking place at or very near the surface. Roughly half of the alphas will have, probably, a vector that takes them into the lattice, where they become largely trapped, not easily mobile. The rest, which are captured in gas analysis from these cells, will have vectors that take them through the interface layer.

Low-energy alpha particles transfer their energy efficiently to ionization of atoms they pass near. (I originally had the opposite impression, that the most ionization per unit track length would occur at higher energies. No. Higher energy particles zip through with less local effect. When I saw conical tracks in LR-115, the narrow end of the cone was the point at which the particle was transferring enough energy to disrupt the cellulose nitrate, with the fat end being the point where the particle came to rest. I thought the opposite, until a note passed on to me from Pamela Mosier-Boss disabused me of the notion.)

All of the residual energy would be deposited in the interface layer, probably, as ionization. (This would be a small fraction of the total released energy.)

A quantitative analysis would be nice, and might predict actual data. Or it might not.

What is actually seen?

I've suggested that analysis of helium that establishes a precise profile for the trapped helium, as to depth, could lead to an estimate of the energy of formation of the helium. This, in turn, could lead to an estimate of the effect of this helium on the interface layer, which could then be compared with experimental results.

The suggested helium analysis has never been done, there are only gross indications that helium is found within a certain distance from the surface, I don't recall the value, but 50 microns comes to mind. I think that was measured by removing 50 microns or so of cathode, from bulk cathode experiments, and finding no helium in the remaining cathode material.

What's been done with more accuracy is measuring the helium in the cell gases, finding that it correlates with heat, at a ratio consistent with a hypothesis that the reaction, whatever it is, is converting deuterium to helium. No other ash has been identified that qualifies in this way.


-----Original Message-----
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 1:04 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

(this was also posted to the private list for CMNS researchers.)

It's come to my attention that some researchers have frequently
observed a sudden drop in resistance of electrolytic cells associated
with the onset of XP bursts. I'm seeking to document this.

In experiments where there is electrolytic power in constant current
mode, this shows up as a drop in voltage, usually shown in reports as
a drop in input power, if input power is plotted.

This seems to appear after substantial periods of stability in resistance.

One paper which commented on the drop attributed it to heating of the
electrolyte close to the cathode. If so, this signal shows up before
cathodic heating has had time to increase cell temperature. The drop
is abrupt in what I've seen.

There is another possible explanation, though, which would be an
increase in conductivity in that region due to ionization induced by
short-range charged particle radiation. This radiation could be well
below the Hagelstein limit and still have this effect, if it
originates at or very near the cathode surface. (The "Hagelstein
limit" is a limit set by Peter Hagestein in a Naturwissenschaften
paper studying the expected behavior of charged particle radiation.
The absence of predicted effects from high-energy charged particle
radiation led him to set a limit of 20 KeV for substantial charged
particle radiation from cold fusion experiments.

If radiation is the cause, the resistance drop may appear even before
the reaction has time to raise the temperature of the electrolyte.

Hence I'm requesting communication from researchers regarding
experience with CF electrolysis, in regard to resistance reduction
(or the lack of same), associated with anomalous heat or other
signals of a nuclear reaction.

Thanks in advance.

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