Sometimes, you have a penchant for eliciting a chuckle or two from me.

Yes, Global Warming has been a recurrent theme of discussion in Vortex-l; yet 
that does not mean it is a valid on topic post.  Clearly, it is off-topic based 
on Rule 2 of this forum.  Just because you and Jed like to discuss a myriad of 
these off-topics does not make it right.  

I have been the only one who have been vocal in criticizing these off-topic 
posts for good reason.  Vortex-l is not suitable for large volumes of 
communications.  If Vortex-l is converted into a format that allows these 
off-topic post to be posted without infringing on other people's limited 
bandwidth and space; you will find that I will be more vocal in discussing 
these off-topic posts with you.  My issue is not with the off-topic post per 
se; but it is with the increasing difficulty that these off-topic posts 

It is quite selfish for both of you and Jed to incessantly engage in these 
activities to the detriment of others who find Vortex-l to be a useful place to 
advance Cold Fusion knowledge.

I have said this before both publicly and privately to the guilty parties, but 
it seems a few want to monopolize this place and drag it down the pits.

I beg you, please exercise some restraint in this matter.


PS. Quite frankly, I have a lot of things that I would like to post about 
Carbon Nanotubes.  But since, I find that topic to be slightly off-topic, I 
refrain from doing so.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
  Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 6:43 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:Koch founded climate skeptic changes sides

  Jojo sez:




  > Please post your comment in a different forum so that I can answer it.




  I've noticed that you occasionally couch your posts-of-disapproval, 
pertaining the posting content of others you disagree with, in terms of how 
their posts are dragging Vortex-l down into a pithole of irrelevant 
off-topicism. You've certainly targeted some of my OT posts in your cross hairs 
on more than one occasion.


  Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the stated opinion on Global 
Warming, er... I mean "Climate Change", it seems to me that you may have 
misunderstood the nature of some of the on-going Vortex-l discussion. Global 
warming has occasionally been, please excuse the pun, a "hot" topic that has 
been discussed here.


  So, I'm wondering... why is it that when you decided to become an honorable 
contributing member of the Vort Collective that somehow topics, such as 
"climate change" have somehow now become taboo?


  But then, you go ahead and express your opinion on the matter anyway... which 
is fine I might add. Nevertheless, it does sound just a tad hypocritical to me.


  Actually, IMO, I think you're just trying to stir up the pot a little within 
the Collective. It's been kind of boring here lately. Rossi hasn't put his foot 
in his mouth in a while, so there's not much to discuss other than some real 
interesting nerdy techno stuff such as "Polarizable vacuum analysis of electric 
and magnetic fields" ...and whether protons are nothing more than EM pegged at 
frequencies higher than the highest gamma frequencies. That, BTW, is a 
fascinating premise! I wonder if there is a way to falsify it.



  Steven Vincent Johnson

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