Vorl Bek <vorl....@antichef.com> wrote:

> No, I don't care if Bangladesh sinks beneath the Global-Warmed ocean.

If you mean that, you are an inhuman monster. This is like saying you don't
care about the ~50,000 people who die from filthy water every week, most of
them children under age 5.

At the risk of invoking Goodwin's law, such statements remind me of what
people in the U.S. said during the Indian wars of the 1870s, and later in
the 1930s and 40s. They said: "Who cares if a bunch of filthy, uneducated
Jews and Gypsies are killed off. They have been killing those people in
Europe for centuries, and they always will."

By the way, it is not true that people in the U.S. or German were unaware
of the Holocaust as it was happening. Everyone in my family knew about it,
because they were killing off our European relatives.  The ones who escaped
told us. Everyone knew.

And things like 'Climategate' make me think that a lot of the so-called
> 'Climate Scientists' are more interested in getting grants and ego
> boosts than they are in real science.

Climategate is an absurd myth. A lot like the myth that cold fusion was
never replicated, or that the 9/11 attacks were conducted by the CIA.

- Jed

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