Just a bunch of collapsed microsingularities emitting hawking radiation
around the sun collapsed due to the intense gravity and flux.  The smaller
they are the hotter they get.  The smallest might get up to... 5.6×1032 K vs
a monster black hole in the emptiest part of space which is somewhat cooler
~ 3 K I think since it is attempting to be in equilibrium with cosmic
background radiation

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 10:05 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Harry,
> I have not followed Mills' cosmological arguments for years and they may
> have changed. IIRC he thinks 100% of the UV and EUV (which is the main
> emission spectrum for f/H) and something like 40% of the net thermal energy
> received on earth comes from the Corona. That instantly solves the neutrino
> problem elegantly. There was in fact no "faint young Sun" so the only
> adjustment there, needed to the correct the old model is that the ratio of
> thermal output from Corona-to-Core may have varied.
> Therefore, if Mills is correct, then the answer to your question is yes -
> without this additional energy from the Corona, we would freeze over.
> It is possible that the "ash" from deep shrinkage (Deep Dirac Level ??) is
> synonymous with "dark matter" as Terry pointed out the other day. In which
> case, every Sun probably has a Corona which is continually producing dark
> matter over time.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Veeder
> Jones Beene wrote:
> > A more sensible solution is that was NO faint young sun to begin with.
> I was waiting for someone to suggest this possibility.
> > The same flawed model of solar mechanics that gives us the solar neutrino
> > problem also gives us the faint young sun problem. They invented a straw
> man
> > that never was much more than fiction, and now they are trying to keep
> > it in play with an even more insane rationalization.
> I am not sure how Mill's hydrino would resolve the faint young sun paradox.
> Are you saying the corona is a significant source of radiant energy
> which is overlooked in coventional solar models, such
> that the Earth would freeze over without the Sun's corona ?
> harry

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