On 2012-08-17 17:14, Jones Beene wrote:
gain, anyway. I think AR has seen minor gain perhaps COP=2, and that he used
copper to get it, perhaps inadvertently from the copper-alloy plumbing. But
that is a guess.

If Rossi's magic powder works as Celani's treated ISOTAN44 wires (positive feedback with temperature), there's little reason to doubt that his gain could be higher. Just increase the amount of active material and you can immediately have useful amounts of energy, although this might be expensive and/or impractical. In fact, I think this is exactly what Rossi did in is earlier public tests to scale up the effect.

Celani, with 70 W/g (data by Daniel Rocha), would just need 150g of active material to reach about 10 kW of low temperature excess heat and a quite high COP, if he wanted (he would need a proper reactor vessel first, however). Incidentally this is about the same amount of material reportedly used by Rossi in his early 2011 demos. I guess it would be relatively expensive to set up such a demonstrative reactor for Celani, but it's not undoable, although it would be scientifically useless.

70 W/g is a low starting point as a specific power for the active material too. I imagine this could be vastly improved with funds and good engineering. According to "Cures" (Domenico Fioravanti - the colonel engineer who tested Rossi's half-megawatt plant in October 2011 and used to post anonymously on a public forum, if you trust him), calculated the specific power for Rossi's powder to range between 480-3300 W/g [1] - so apparently there's plenty of room for improvement.

Combine this with cheap scaling up methods (add more material) and you can see why Rossi might be worried about competition, especially Celani's.


[1] http://www.cobraf.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=5747&reply_id=123482813#123482813

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