On 2012-08-17 18:03, Daniel Rocha wrote:
Beware that the extra heat/g. And that's the up limit. Generally, it's
around 40W/g and 50/g. You'd have to use some complicated scheme to get
an electrical feedback and self sustain.

True, actual average values for Celani are smaller at the moment. My point still holds however. Cheaply scaling up excess heat and gain would not be hard.

I don't think a complex electrical feedback is really needed for that. Celani showed that his treated wires generate excess heat when heated *indirectly*. If he only cared about generating heat, he could even use a band heater as Rossi does/used to do to drive the reaction, with a simple control system to keep it within safe temperatures.

Of course, this is in the ideal case all works as expected. Complications might arise when scaling things up.


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