Jones Beene <> (or is it Joro Jaro?) wrote:

> . . . For this and many other reasons, I stopped paying attention to Rossi
> some
> time ago, due to this propensity for dishonesty and trickery.

I think that is a big mistake. I recommend you pay close attention to him *
despite* this propensity, because he often says and does important things.

> He is not helping to push the field forward . . .

Oh yes he is! His influence is seen in most of the new experiments reported
at ICCF17. Most of the authors give him credit. If it turns out his results
are fake it will ironic, to say the least.

> We should apologize to Krivit on this point. Steve is/was correct about
> Rossi's basic dishonesty. (but he was not correct about W-L).

Steve was number 1,486 in line to make this assertion about Rossi. Many
other people made it before he did, including me. We owe Krivit no
apologies. On the other hand, we should cite him when he does good work, as
I did in this paper:

- Jed

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