Beware that the extra heat/g. And that's the up limit. Generally, it's
around 40W/g and 50/g. You'd have to use some complicated scheme to get an
electrical feedback and self sustain.

2012/8/17 Akira Shirakawa <>

> On 2012-08-17 17:14, Jones Beene wrote:
>> gain, anyway. I think AR has seen minor gain perhaps COP=2, and that he
>> used
>> copper to get it, perhaps inadvertently from the copper-alloy plumbing.
>> But
>> that is a guess.
> If Rossi's magic powder works as Celani's treated ISOTAN44 wires (positive
> feedback with temperature), there's little reason to doubt that his gain
> could be higher. Just increase the amount of active material and you can
> immediately have useful amounts of energy, although this might be expensive
> and/or impractical. In fact, I think this is exactly what Rossi did in is
> earlier public tests to scale up the effect.
> Celani, with 70 W/g (data by Daniel Rocha), would just need 150g of active
> material to reach about 10 kW of low temperature excess heat and a quite
> high COP, if he wanted (he would need a proper reactor vessel first,
> however). Incidentally this is about the same amount of material reportedly
> used by Rossi in his early 2011 demos. I guess it would be relatively
> expensive to set up such a demonstrative reactor for Celani, but it's not
> undoable, although it would be scientifically useless.
> 70 W/g is a low starting point as a specific power for the active material
> too. I imagine this could be vastly improved with funds and good
> engineering. According to "Cures" (Domenico Fioravanti - the colonel
> engineer who tested Rossi's half-megawatt plant in October 2011 and used to
> post anonymously on a public forum, if you trust him), calculated the
> specific power for Rossi's powder to range between 480-3300 W/g [1] - so
> apparently there's plenty of room for improvement.
> Combine this with cheap scaling up methods (add more material) and you can
> see why Rossi might be worried about competition, especially Celani's.
> Cheers,
> S.A.
> [1]**topic.php?topic_id=5747&reply_**
> id=123482813#123482813<>

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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