forget it Jouni.
Intellectually, the wolf of CoE will always win.

(Why do I waste my time?)

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Jouni Valkonen <> wrote:
> Stored energy in magnetic field for neodymium magnet is around 40-50 MGOe.
> As one MGOe is 7960 J / m³, this means that energy stored in 1 cm³ neodymium
> magnet is 360 millijoules. That is, it is negligible for all practical
> purposes and certainly this field energy is not the source why permanent
> magnets can do work.
> —Jouni
> On 6 September 2012 19:10, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <> wrote:
>> At 11:46 PM 9/5/2012, wrote:
>>> In reply to  Jouni Valkonen's message of Wed, 5 Sep 2012 20:27:51 +0300:
>>> Hi,
>>> [snip]
>>> I'm not sure whether or not it represents stored energy, but if you
>>> multiply the
>>> MGO of a magnet by it's volume, you get a number of Joules (it's not much
>>> BTW).
>> How much? If we dissolved magnetic material in an acid, compared with
>> dissolving the same weight of the magnet material, unmagnetized, same other
>> conditions, could we measure a temperature increase for the dissolved
>> magnetized material vs. the dissolved non-magnetized material? I do assume
>> the energy would end up as heat. If it's a reasonable amount of heat, this
>> would make a nice science fair project.

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