“This report comes from two separated tests made on the 16th of July and
the 7th of August, made by the Certificator and professors from 2
Universities. We are under NDA with both, but I want to make very clear
that this is not a final report, because all the measurements have to be
repeated many times before reaching the reliability necessary to a product.
Therefore all the measurements have to be repeated many times more. We are
on the right way to make a very important product, but much R&D work has
still to be done.”

What does this Rossi quote say to us?

I rise in support of Rossi on this one. Rossi had no control or
responsibility over this series of tests. Rossi was strictly hands off,
and  had no inputs into or participation in this evaluation exercise. The
intent of this test series was to begin a certification of a product by a
testing organization as safe and in conformance to a set of European
regulatory standards for a commercial product.

This LENR product certification process is just beginning and the results
presented are preliminary. The intent of this customer conference is
strictly commercial in nature. Its purpose is limited and may well be to
inform and assure Rossi’s customer base that sufficient progress is being
made in product development and safety  assurance as witnessed by an
internationally known and well respected third party product certification
organization and is not intended in any way to meet any scientific
standards or peer review expectations.

Any faults in the testing process must be laid exclusively at the feet of
the testing agent. It might be possible that this type of certification
process is not appropriate for a nuclear reactor. Rossi is breaking new
ground in this area so some testing and certification problems are to be
expected. As with any new class of energy production process, this is an
all new experience and the new LENR industry must go through this process
sooner or later.

Cheers:    Axil

On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jeff Berkowitz <pdx...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Scientific publication approach or commercial enterprise approach: choose
>> one.
> Why choose one? They are not mutually exclusive. Mainstream companies
> routinely publish information that meets scientific standards of
> reliability, although details are often missing to protect trade secrets.
> Companies such as IBM that do a lot of fundamental research often publish
> scientific papers.
> Rossi has chosen to ignore scientific standards, and to conduct what I
> consider a tawdry sales campaign. I think it makes him look bad. I do not
> think it will work.
> I agree that believable testimony from a real customer would make his case
> better than anything else. I doubt he has any customers, but who knows.
> - Jed

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