Albert Einstein: “I want to know how God created this world. I am not
interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that
element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.”

Who is arrogant enough to say what is in the mind of God. Who can say what
God’s plan of creation is?

Yes, there is Devine wisdom in God’s plan. If I were God, I would setup
evolution as a master plan for the creation of life to preserve and protect
life from the whims of the universe.

Cheers:    Axil

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Nigel Dyer <> wrote:

> My paid employment means that I spend significant numbers of hours each
> day looking at DNA sequences, and the relationship between the DNA
> sequences of different species, from single celled bacteria through to homo
> sapiens.
> This shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the species 'evolved' from one
> through to the next in a way that is normally described in short hand as
> 'Darwinian Evolution'.  I am nevertheless always more than happy to discuss
> the details as to the mechanisms by which the DNA changed during that
> process, and the relationship between DNA sequence and form, as there are
> many unanswered, and extremely interesting, questions to be asked.
> The basic tenet of Darwian Evolution still holds.  It is possible that
> Darwinian Evolution is to the final evolutionary theory as Newtonian
> Physics is to the final physics theory incorporating quantum theory and
> relativity.  Newtonian physics is not wrong, just not the complete picture.
>  Ditto Darwinian evolution.
> Nigel
> On 29/12/2012 10:06, Jojo Jaro wrote:
>> Axil, I think you mentioned this before.
>> The question is,  is this trait really a trait from the dinosaur?  Or is
>> it simply a trait of the chicken that laid dormant.
>> For one thing, we don't really know what Dinosaur traits there are.  It
>> is irresponsible to say a specific trait belongs to dinosaurs.  We don't
>> know that.  It could simply be part of the trait of the chicken itself.
>> People ascribe these traits to dinosaurs only because they first assume
>> that chickens evolved from dinosaurs.  But that is just a theory springing
>> up from our assumption that Darwinian Evolution is correct.  We can not
>> assume Darwinian Evolution is correct then speculate that traits in
>> chickens belong to dinasaurs and then turn around and say the this is proof
>> of Darwinian Evolution.  That is circular reasoning.
>> The most probable thing is that these traits in these so called "Junk
>> DNA" are actual coded traits of the Chicken DNA that laid dormant.  During
>> microevolution, some of these traits are expressed and the chicken changes.
>>  The changes are conferred by what is already in the DNA.  Microevolution,
>> not Darwinian Evolution.  Big difference and people always confuse the
>> issue.  They think that just because we see changes, that that
>> automatically imply Darwinian Evolution is occuring.  Yes, evolution is
>> occuring, but not Darwinian Evolution.
>> Jojo

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