I hate to say Amen Brother, and sound cliche, but, Amen Brother!

Alexander Hollins

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As I see it, your problem is based on the belief that the bible is the
> error free inspired word of God; and that every one of its words is
> factually true and must be believed as written.
> You are forced to defend every holy word as literal truth.
> This is a road to far for me. For example, I find error in the bible in
> its proclamation of laws condoning slavery and the ownership of woman as
> property.
> Truth in the bible must be universal for all times and applied to all
> human cultures that have developed, or could possibly develop in the future.
> Being the work of fallible human authors and editors, if one such error
> exists contrary to my conscience, then in my view it is reasonable to
> assume that other parts of the entire content of the holy book is subject
> to like errors. Because of this, literal interpretation of the bible is not
> for me.
> Cheers:    Axil
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 9:28 PM, Jojo Jaro <jth...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> **
>> Yes, Axil, as a matter of fact, God did set up "evolution" to preserve
>> and protect life.  It's called microevolution.  God has put on the genone
>> all the necessary tools that an organism needs to rapidly change and adapt
>> to stressess.  The organism merely expresses a dormant trait already
>> encoded in its DNA and this new trait enables him to adapt to a new
>> environment.    And how wonderfully that has worked to preserve and protect
>> life.
>> My issue is not that evolution happens, it does, it's called
>> microevolution.  My issue is with the crackpot swiss cheese Darwinian
>> Evolution theory that speculates that changes are due to random mutation
>> and that a species can "evolve" into another species.  It's this whole
>> nonsense of "Tree of life" that says we all came from single celled
>> organisms; that I have a problem with.
>> Jojo
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
>> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
>> *Sent:* Sunday, December 30, 2012 2:56 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Digital information storage in DNA
>> Albert Einstein: “I want to know how God created this world. I am not
>> interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that
>> element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.”
>> Who is arrogant enough to say what is in the mind of God. Who can say
>> what God’s plan of creation is?
>> Yes, there is Devine wisdom in God’s plan. If I were God, I would setup
>> evolution as a master plan for the creation of life to preserve and protect
>> life from the whims of the universe.
>> Cheers:    Axil
>> On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Nigel Dyer <l...@thedyers.org.uk> wrote:
>>> My paid employment means that I spend significant numbers of hours each
>>> day looking at DNA sequences, and the relationship between the DNA
>>> sequences of different species, from single celled bacteria through to homo
>>> sapiens.
>>> This shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the species 'evolved' from
>>> one through to the next in a way that is normally described in short hand
>>> as 'Darwinian Evolution'.  I am nevertheless always more than happy to
>>> discuss the details as to the mechanisms by which the DNA changed during
>>> that process, and the relationship between DNA sequence and form, as there
>>> are many unanswered, and extremely interesting, questions to be asked.
>>> The basic tenet of Darwian Evolution still holds.  It is possible that
>>> Darwinian Evolution is to the final evolutionary theory as Newtonian
>>> Physics is to the final physics theory incorporating quantum theory and
>>> relativity.  Newtonian physics is not wrong, just not the complete picture.
>>>  Ditto Darwinian evolution.
>>> Nigel
>>> On 29/12/2012 10:06, Jojo Jaro wrote:
>>>> Axil, I think you mentioned this before.
>>>> The question is,  is this trait really a trait from the dinosaur?  Or
>>>> is it simply a trait of the chicken that laid dormant.
>>>> For one thing, we don't really know what Dinosaur traits there are.  It
>>>> is irresponsible to say a specific trait belongs to dinosaurs.  We don't
>>>> know that.  It could simply be part of the trait of the chicken itself.
>>>> People ascribe these traits to dinosaurs only because they first assume
>>>> that chickens evolved from dinosaurs.  But that is just a theory springing
>>>> up from our assumption that Darwinian Evolution is correct.  We can not
>>>> assume Darwinian Evolution is correct then speculate that traits in
>>>> chickens belong to dinasaurs and then turn around and say the this is proof
>>>> of Darwinian Evolution.  That is circular reasoning.
>>>> The most probable thing is that these traits in these so called "Junk
>>>> DNA" are actual coded traits of the Chicken DNA that laid dormant.  During
>>>> microevolution, some of these traits are expressed and the chicken changes.
>>>>  The changes are conferred by what is already in the DNA.  Microevolution,
>>>> not Darwinian Evolution.  Big difference and people always confuse the
>>>> issue.  They think that just because we see changes, that that
>>>> automatically imply Darwinian Evolution is occuring.  Yes, evolution is
>>>> occuring, but not Darwinian Evolution.
>>>> Jojo

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