Faith is the most precious of God’s gifts.

I envy the faith of the fundamentalist who can see beyond the human
failings and cardinal sins of the men that seem to have come to universally
affect the establishment, doctrine, practice, and liturgy of most
established religions.

As a human endeavor, religion is tainted by the weaknesses of man.

I find it overwhelming to parse out God’s truth from the perversions that
man has insidiously injected into the worship of God since the very dawn of

This work to discover God’s truth is more than a lifelong pursuit that
leaves little time for other important things.

With this having been said, I view engineering in all it varied forms as an
unselfish expression and practice of a high religion well-grounded in the
golden rule,  one of the most noble, yet simple philosophical concepts that
has been revealed directly by God.

The Ethic of Reciprocity -- often called the Golden Rule in Christianity --
simply states that we are to treat other people as we would wish to be
treated ourselves.
Almost all organized religions have such an ethic. In this teaching, this
ethic is normally intended to apply to the entire human race.
 Unfortunately, due to the frailty of human nature it is too often applied
by some people only to fellow believers.

If engineering is practiced at a minimum to advance the human condition for
the benefit of our neighbor, to eliminate poverty and ignorance, to enable
contact, understanding, and dialog among people, to encourage reasoning,
innovation and evaluation of theory, to feed, clothe, house, and nurture
man in all his needs and wants, to cure his illnesses, discomforts and
infirmities; and in general, to advance the assent of man, in every sense
and context, engineering can be practiced as a high art in selfless praise
and worship of God.

To my way of thinking, Edison and Tesla are now raised to archangels in the
heavenly host and the viceroys of the heavens.

Rossi, Papp, Ed Storms, Leclair among many others may be someday canonized
as saints if their work comes to its intended fruition for the benefit of
all mankind who rightfully deserve to sit at the right hand of the Father.
So now let us redirect our conversations to the only true religion that
glorifies both man and God.

Cheers:    Axil

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Zell, Chris <> wrote:

> **
> How about some Klonopin or other treatments for OCD?  That's what I'm
> seeing here ( yes, from my own experience).  I can't imagine anything
> more pointless than arguments about religious dogma.
> Time would be better spent discovering/developing free energy - by which
> means the entire Middle East would become gloriously irrelevant.  Build a
> Golden Age and forget about these distractions forever.

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