Chuck, if you believe that Obama is a Natural-Born US citizen, then why not 
just open up access to a innocuous piece of document.  Why not show all 
brithers the vault BC.  It's simple my friend.  It will end the controversy.

Instead of doing that, you resort to accusations about treason because I will 
not swallow the bambi propaganda.  You know, that's what they did in Naxi 
Germany.  Anyone who would not swallow the propaganda was a traitor.

I am loyal to my country, my Constitution.  I have sworn an oath to defend the 
Constitution from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.  The illuminati and their 
puppet bambi, are DOMESTIC enemies of our Constitution.  They treat that sacred 
law as a piece of toilet paper but continuing to ignore its clear specific 
requirement.  The POTUS MUST be a natural-born US citizen.  


PS. I see you have employed a tactic that many have employed.  Instead of 
saying "natural-born" US citizen, you say "Native born citizen".  There is no 
such thing as a Native Born citizen.  That is not a legal classification.  The 
proper classification is a Natural-Born US citizen.  I believe you do this 
intentionally to add confusion to the issue.

NO one reads my posts.  Really?  LOL.....  Do you want me to tell you how many 
private emails I get about my posts?  Do you want me to tell you how many 
offline discussions I am having with some vortex members?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chuck Sites 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 1:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Birther Myth? or Lomax lies

  I'm sorry to break from scientific debates on Cold Fusion, but to be honest, 
JoJo has dominated this mailing list for several weeks now with very little 
response and light response from the Vortex-L mail list.  If I may, I would 
like to suspend the rules and use 4 letter words  If that is OK with you all, 
good old JoJo will get an insult so low, his shins might hurt from all of the 
fish bites. 

  so Jojol You know, all I can say is your beliefs are treasonous.  You say 
"Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts."   President Obama is 
certainly qualified to be POTUS on all levels.  In fact he has been one of the 
best POTUS's since Clinton.  You might as well say, "I hate the USA".  You 
obviously a birther, since you seem to believe  the notion that Obama is not a 
native born citizen.  That is just goofy thinking. Only a dingbat righty would 
take that as fact.  

  You have been attacking Lomax for his religion.  Why don't you tell us right 
here and right now what your religion is if you have one.   We can then pick on 
every odd thing that your religion believes.  Based on everything you have 
said, it probably involves eating little babies (sarcasm).  

  Bottom line Jojo, is no one on this email lists likes your posts or even 
reads them.  You message is irrelevant and always Off Topic!   Go away an 
hassle some body on huffington post,  

  On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Jojo Jaro <> wrote:

    Obama is unqualified to be POTUS on many fronts.

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