This should have been tagged OT from the beginning. However, changing a subject header after it has started screws up threading, and the whole point of my responding at all to Jojo is to keep sane information in his threads, for future readers who find this through Google. I would never inititate this discussion here.

At 05:21 PM 1/2/2013, you wrote:
Lomax, please read up on the case of the Nordyke twins. They were born within a few days of Obama and they were able to obtain a long form copy of their BC. You lie once again by claiming that there is no legal way.

I read all this months ago. Joho seems to not realize something. I actually research what I write, when it enters controversy. I check my facts.

Quite obviously there is, cause the Nordyke twins were able to do it. Please my friend, stop the lies. Where is Obama's long form BC. Not computer generated scans which are obviously fake.

Have you seen the Nordyke twin's long form BC? When was it issued?

If you haven't seen it, look at:

Just the first I could find.

The Nordyke certificate was issued in 1966, you can see the date. It's a negative copy, and I received copies like that of birth records -- my own, for example --, it's how it used to be done, the copying machines made a negative. So Ms. Nordyke requested a birth certificate copy in 1966, and that is what she got. A copy of the original, the "long form." If you look carefully at the picture, you can see the lines starting to bend from where the original is bound in a volume, as you can see this same bending in the long form image that has been issued by Obama.

(Looking at some of the birther pages, the arguments they come up with are a *scream!*) Referring to the

Hawai'i later computerized their records, and started to issue short-form certificates, with only the legally important data. Apparently getting a long form requires special permission, and it's not clear that it's automatic that you can get one at all. And *who* can get one? Can I write to Hawai'i and get a copy of, say, that Nordyke BC? Or Obama's, and will they be treated *any differently*?

(Answer: to do this I'd have to commit a crime, I'd have to impersonate them. Or be representing them, and be able to show that. However, people to obtain birth certificates under false pretenses. For a $10 fee, they obviously can't do a lot of investigation! On the other hand, if they get a letter from "Barack Obama, P.O. Box blah blah, Philippines," do you think they'd fall for it?

Now, what Jojo had actually demanded was to see the "vault copy" itself, not some copy on the internet. Well, did he see the Nordyke twins BC? Or just a copy on the internet?

Now, some people may have visited Ms. Nordyke and may have seen the certified copy. And some people have seen certified copies of Obama's short form and the "vault certificate," the "long form." The page I pointed to made a big fuss about how different the long form was from Obama's short form. Much ado about *nothing*. They are quite distinct, obviously, but the short form includes all the legally important data, and is how Hawai'i stopped handling the vault copies. The entered the important data into a computer, and they print copies out by computer. My guess is that it's a secure computer system, not connected to a network, and that the clerk issuing a BC doesn't actually look at the vault copy. But that's a guess.

It is difficult to believe that Jojo is unaware of these arguments, unless he's really new to the field and just has a habit of asserting what he *just learned* as certain fact. He *has* done that, at least once, because he acknowledged just having read it.

So what is it that Jojo is demanding, he who does not even live in the U.S.? Does he want a courier to arrive with the bound volume? Does he want a copy mailed to him with the certification? He has to be eligible to recieve one, and there is a $10 fee if he's eligible. The State of Hawai'i does not issue the original to *anyone*. It's called a "vault copy" because that's where it's kept! And it doesn't issue certified copies except to eligible persons. Read the application information:

Jojo has demanded to know who has seen the original long form. I gave him a list by position or circumstance. He demanded the names. All of this could be found in a few minutes on the internet. I gave the names of two Hawai'ian officials who had certified that they had seen the original. Jojo then simply claims I'm lying. But all this can quickly and easily be verified. I found more, since I wrote that. It appears that state Secretaries of State, having a legal need for birth information, can request it from Hawai'i. Hawai'i does not send them the certificate, it sends, instead, a letter under official seal and signed as a testimony certifying as to the *information* contained in the certificate. And those have been signed by other officials. There is actually quite a list.

And Jojo has them all be lying. What a world he lives in!

Jojo has demanded that the vault copy be shown to someone "trusted," and he named Tea Party officials, and Ron Paul. Ron Paul has openly and clearly rejected the birther claims, in quite the same way as I might. "Not as far as I know." And, when questioned, he made it clear that it was his business to know if there was something to it. Could Ron Paul see a copy if he asked Obama nicely? My guess is that he could. But I'm not sure. The issue for Obama would be if it was worth the effort. It may not be. There is *zero legal necessity* for him to do it. He already bent over backwards to handle this. He sent his personal attorney to pick up the certified copies of the long form. What did that cost?

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