I have no desire to be googleable.  My desire is to highlight the noise
problem in vortex so that Jed and other off-topic violators see the impact
of their noise on others.  If we can solve this issue, I will go away.

You expressed concern that people will see my threads are true if it is not answered by you. Yes, of course, they will see that it is true, a simple google search will reveal the source of this information. What would be more damaging to muslims is for people to see your constant and continuous attempts at spin and lies to cover up the hideous and abhorent acts of your prophet. I have cited reliable muslim sources. Unlike you, other people reading this are more objective, they will see that Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari are indeed more reliable than Lomax's "research", wikipedia or your other imam experts.

My friend, no matter what you do, how many lies you put out, how much spin you attempt, how many westernized Imams expert's opinion you profer, the truth, ugliness, abhorence and stink of what you prophet did is clear and obvious. It is a well documented fact by your own scholars.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <a...@lomaxdesign.com>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>; <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Truth about islam and little girls.

At 10:52 AM 1/2/2013, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Please remove this discussion to VortexB-L.

I doubt that will happen. VortexB-l does not appear to be googleable. So from Jojo's point of view, it could be useless.

I have no intention of wasting time debating Jojo Jaro on a backwater mailing list. I'm not interested in debating him here, either, but he puts material on this list, which *is* archived and googleable, and which asserts certain wide-believed memes that people *will* search for, and leaving stuff like that unanswered is a collective damage. It injures the reputation of vortex, and it can harm the public in other ways.

Jojo just implied that he'd stop if Jed would agree to stop "off topic posts."

Basically, Jed has mentioned certain opinions that Joho disagrees with, and he appears to want to stop people here from expressing such opinions. So he turns discussions, often going entirely off topic, into massive flame wars.

Expressing opinion as dicta is routine on a mailing list like this. However, starting up major contentious off-topic controversies is something quite different. The subject header here was created by Jojo. It's trolling for outraged response. Or alternatively, if nobody responds, it can make it look like this topic is acceptable here. There goes a billion people.

No, someone will need to contact Bill, or this list is toast, sooner or later. The problem here points out the vulnerability of a community depending on a single person for a critical -- if rarely needed -- function.

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