If you join, enter a note that shows you know what the list is about, this is only to discourage spambots. It can be very simple. Be patient, it might take a day for a subscription to be active, until we get more moderators.

I have started this mailing list to serve as a (possibly filtered) version of the vortex list. Not all aspects have been set up yet, but anyone can subscribe to this list, subscription is open. New members, however, are moderated until accepted. I intend to subscribe the vortex list to this mailing list, which will cause it to be echoed; however, the vortex "subscriber" will be moderated, and moderator approval will be required for posts to be echoed.

I am the owner of this list. I'd happily share that with certain others, most especially Bill. Owners may create or remove owners, and, most importantly, may create or remove moderators.

I have no intention of being a regular moderator; as owner, my main job would be to resolve hopefully rare disputes, but I also consider my position as owner to be as a trustee for the community. Any maintained disputes will be referred to the community, through non-disruptive process that will be set up if necessary.

I will accept volunteer moderators who subscribe from the email address they use for vortex, and who are known as long-term Vorticians. Moderators will have the ability to moderate subscribers, accepting or rejecting posts, and can take members off of moderation.

Direct posting to this list will be allowed. Yes, Mary Yugo could subscribe. Nobody will be banned from this list without at least one clearly violated warning, on the list (or in mail submitted for moderation) as far as I'm concerned. But the community is sovereign here, unless one of the owners I create boots me out and takes over.... If that happens, I can always be contacted at the email address this mail was sent from. For those reading this from the archive, it's the user abd, and the domain is lomaxdesign, the top-level being .com.

To subscribe to the new list, you mail send a mail to Include a brief note so that I know you are not a spambot. This process is *only* about preventing spam, it is not membership censorship.

Or one can join at

To get full access to group on-line features, you will need to have a yahoo account, and link it. If anyone has difficulty with that, they may contact me.

The list subject tag will be [nVo].

Vortex list rules may be presumed to be *continued* on nVo. The new list, however, has an editable archive, and violating posts *may* be subject to removal, but this will be done transparently.

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