On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:00 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

> Kevin, I think that what Dr. Storms is stating about the dangerous
> radiation emission is valid.  In your scenario, the balloon is surrounded
> by many others that absorb the high energy emissions.  How does it account
> for balloons that are very near to the edge of the bundle?

***Good point.  In the formation of BECs, the atoms near the edge would be
less likely to participate in the formation because they aren't subject to
the same level of forces jostling them around as the guys in the middle
are.  An analogy would be when a crowd gets too dense and people start
getting trampled.  If a dense crowd were to happen on an open field, the
people on the edges would not be subject to the same level of forces
jostling them around & restricting their freedom of movement, it would be
the people in the middle most subject to risk of trampling.

>  If high level energy is released by any LENR activity, then it would be
> expected to escape unless a process exists that works well over an
> extremely short distance.  Also, I an unaware of any process that is
> effective in stopping free energetic neutrons under similar conditions.
 ***Going back to the balloon analogy, when 50,000 of them pop at once
there is simply more energy released and less matter to block the
releases.  If only 1 of those non-tinker-toy-lattice balloons popped, you
probably wouldn't hear it.  I think Hot fusion takes place on a bigger
level than cold fusion, that cold fusion has 1 nuclear event for every
billion atoms or so, whereas hot fusion has perhaps 50,000 times as much.

In addition, when you look at a balloon popping in slow motion, it does not
initially emit its energy in all directions at the first microsecond.  Its
release of energy goes in the direction that the penetration came from
initially.  If the balloon pop were due to 2 balloons banging together
forcefully, the initial release would be right where the 2 balloons
collided.  Similarly, when 2 atoms collide and fuse, I think their energy
release is not 360 degrees, but is perpendicular to the direction of the
plane where the 2 atoms meet.  It is initially in only 1 direction, not all
directions.   That release of energy will have a high degree of probability
due to its geometry of initial direction, to be directly in the path of
atoms on the lattice.  But in hot fusion, those 50,000 balloons all slam
into each other at varying different angles, leaving the impression that
the initial energy release is initially 360 degrees rather than in one

I do not know how to test this idea.  I doubt there are resources to
measure direction of energy release of individual atoms fusing.

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