I wrote:

I personally am not qualified to judge whether what Ron is saying is
> nonsense.  I gather from his interactions with others on
> physics.stackexchange.com, which has some pretty smart people on it,  and
> his overall reputation there, that he knows at least the basics of what
> he's talking about.

To give a little context -- Ron is at a level to have a meaningful exchange
with the likes of Gerard 't Hooft and Peter Shor on the suitability of
certain classes of quantum model, as evidenced by 't Hooft's taking the
time to reply to Ron in the body of this question 't Hooft raised on
physics.SE [1].  I cannot speak for others here, but I am not yet
sufficiently up to speed to merit a response to any objections or concerns
that I may personally have about certain classes of quantum model; 't Hooft
and Shor would just ask me to go read a dozen textbooks on the subject.



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