In my opinion, all LENR causation involves charge separation.

How does this charge separation happen in a micro-particle?

As background, for an alternating current, electrons will concentrate near
the outer part or “skin” of a conductor. For a steady unidirectional
current through a homogeneous conductor, the current distribution is
uniform over the cross section; that is, the current density is the same at
all points in the cross section. But with an alternating current, the
current is displaced more and more to the surface as the frequency

On a micro-particle, electrons vibrate at infrared frequencies.

All free electrons in this particle will migrate to the surface of the
particle and the bulk at the center of the particle will be left with a
maximum positive charge.

The interface between and directly at the surface of the particle will have
the most intense separation between positive and negative charges.

The protons that migrate into the micro-particle will concentrate just
under the surface of the particle.

In the balloon analogy, all the balloons will be drawn to the surface just
under the top of the particle’s bulk.
When fusion occurs, the nuclear products cannot get through the surface of
the particle without encountering a heavy electron layer which will reduce
the frequency of the gamma ray’s wave form.

Ken Shoulders has demonstrated the complete elimination of radioactivity in
high-level nuclear material. Whatever the mechanism may be, the
neutralization of LENR radioactive waste by EV technology will be a great
wonderment and blessing,

According to Ken Shoulders, "The NEV acts as an ultra-massive, negative ion
with high charge-to-mass ratio. This provides the function of a simple
nuclear accelerator." Radioactive isotopes are stabilized in this way.

In this micro-particle case, the NEVs is produced by infrared photons
combining with the heavy electrons on the surface of the micro-particle.

Due to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, these surface electrons bathed in
such high coherent fields on the surface of the micro-particle increase
their effective mass, thus becoming heavy electrons. These electrons react
directly with protons, deuterons, or tritons passing through the surface
patches reacting to an inverse beta decay process that results in
simultaneous collective production of one, two, or three neutrons,
respectively, and a neutrino.
Collectively produced neutrons are created ultra-cold; that is, they have
ultra-low momentum and extremely large quantum mechanical wavelengths and
absorption cross-sections compared to “typical” neutrons at thermal

These surface electrons are uniquely able to immediately convert almost any
locally produced or incident gamma radiation directly into infrared heat,
UV and x-ray energy, thus providing a form of built-in gamma shielding for
LENR nuclear reactions.

Cheers:   Axil

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 10:04 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>wrote:

> We all have our favorite theories.  Storms finds it significant that the
> reactions seem to take place on the surface or near it.  The cracks seem
> significant.  On this thread, it seems like "hairs" can possibly trigger a
> BEC.  And the hairs are similar to cracks in how they snag electrons.
> Maybe it's all coming together.
> I've been trying to reconcile Kim's BEC theory with Storms's NAE theory
> with my trapped balloons analogy.  It seems like BECs would form in the
> middle of the material rather than on the surface.    Unless the edges act
> like a fence and pin atoms the same way that a crowd gets pinned & people
> start getting trampled.  Then, between the "hairs" and the "edge fence",
> there might be ways that formation of BECs becomes plausible.
> There's a possibility that the surface effects are masking other
> activity.  I'll go back to the balloon analogy.  Let's say that, rather
> than just a popped balloon, you have a pellet gun in the middle of a
> million balloon/tinkertoy lattice.  You fire the gun perpendicular to the
> direction of 2 balloons colliding within 1 tinker toy box, which aims the
> fire right at the corners of the matrix.  Can you hear the pellet gun
> fire?  Probably not.  And its stronger emission is even absorbed by the
> lattice.  Could you hear a .22 going off, even if it pops a bunch of
> balloons in its path?  Probably not, and the escallated stronger emission
> would probably be absorbed by the lattice.    In this analogy, the bullets
> are the gamma rays or neutrons or whatever strong nuclear emissions that
> need to be absorbed by the LENR Lattice.  The "gun" is a fusion event that
> generates an energetic neutron/gamma wave/whatever in a single direction,
> as discussed in a previous posting.
> Now, once the .22 gun fires along  balloon lattice, the energy only gets
> absorbed if the lattice intercepts with the escape vector of the energy
> emission.  Let's say it's going straight along the lattice & it won't hit
> anything as long as the lattice is straight.  But if there's an
> imperfection in the lattice, the bullet that was minding its own business
> suddenly hits a part of the lattice.  At the point where the bullet hits
> the lattice, that's where we would see all the kinetic activity and it
> would appear that this is where the emission took place, but it didn't --
> the original emission took place way down inside the lattice.
> So my reconciling suggestion is that BECs are forming inside a lattice but
> generating a bunch of the energetic collision evidence at the surface.
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Roarty, Francis X <
>> wrote:
>>  Well said but I am convinced the paper by Naudts describing the hydrino
>> as relativistic is going to prove most important.. it is a sleeper.

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