First, I used to be an ardent Creationist but realized that nature does not 
allow for such a notion. There's far too much that exists that's just horrible 
- and ( seemingly) Really Well Designed - such as Guinea worms, Crocodiles, 
Tyrannosaurus Rex and more.  A personal Creator would have to be a psychopath 
and would resemble something out of a H.P. Lovecraft novel.

However, that still allows for a transcendent impersonal God who operates as a 
system - and might even answer prayers.

I think the human race has a perceptual block in that they use the brain as an 
analogy for a God as Designer instead of seeing "Him" as being more like the 
body - a marvelous system of systems that needs no immediate conscious 
direction to grow or exist ( I still breathe and my heart still beats even 
though I don't think about it)

As for symmetry and more, I have one thing to say:  Folks, at some level, the 
universe "just is".  Yep, that's right - reductionism fails, ends, no mas.....  
Victor Mansfield realized this ( Buddhist physicist) - so have some atheist 
scientists who critique entanglement results ( Victor Stenger)

Which leaves me wondering, what in the macro world might "just be"?  Ghosts?  
ESP?  Bigfoot?  I don't know but I do get a laugh whenever some Great Authority 
pontificates about what can or can't exist according to some neat, elegant 
theory of reality. Ultimately, it all, 'just is'.  That's why I had no trouble 
believing that Cold Fusion could be real.  Plasmons and such are nice but , in 
the end, stuff 'just is'.

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