You can't be serious. 


These are extraordinarily low radiation counts over long periods. 


35 megajoules of excess heat over 22 days and what? . a few hundred counts.


This is strong evidence against a direct correlation of radiation to heat -
not evidence for a correlation.


Yes, there is evidence of QM reaction, but no one doubts that excess heat
will come with QM side effects.



From: Axil Axil 


Evidence of electromagnetic radiation from Ni-H Systems



I have posted this about a half dozen times so far, but you seem to have a
block to it.

This experiment shows the reaction with and without gamma radiation 


On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:



From: Axil Axil 


The reason this claim of W-L theory is ludicrous --- Of course this is not
LENR, but it is the model for gamma downshifting, and if you want to assert
two distinct miracles - then it is wise to show some other evidence than the
very phenomenon you wish to explain - with your outrageous claim.


Gamma suppression does not cause LENR; it is accidental to the LENR


However, it is still very important. It is the principle demarcation line
between LENR and LENR+.


Nonsense. There is no such thing as "gamma suppression" . It is a complete
fabrication of W-L without a shred of evidence AFAIK. if you have the
evidence, please show it


The LENR reaction emits gammas and this energy release destroys the nuclear
active sites. The LENR reactions will soon stop as the NAE are blown apart
and cratered.


More disinformation. There is no possibility of nano-sized sites stopping
gamma radiation. This requires thick lead shielding.


On the other hand, LENR+ thermalizes the energy that is produced in the NAE
as a secondary mechanism, but this thermalization of the reaction allows the
LENR+ reaction to occur over and over again from the same NAE for months on


There is no evidence for this.



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