The recent inventions of Rossi do not have enough shielding to stop gammas at 
511 keV.  I also have not seen him mention that this is a problem anymore and I 
hope that they are not emitted in large numbers since that would make home use 
of his device problematic.


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 4, 2013 7:16 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A pile of clues... should be obvious by now!

Rossi has consistently refused to provide details of what is going on inside 
the E-Cat reactor, but he has mentioned that gamma rays have been detected. In 
a video interview when asked about whether the E-Cat was a ‘cold fusion’ 
technology he said, “we have found traces of fusion because we have found 511 
kev gamma rays at the output, which is the emission of a positron and an 
electron, and a positron is the product of a proton turning into a neutron, so 
we have some kind of fusion  inside, but I do not think this is the main energy 
source.” Exactly how these gamma rays are shielded is not clear, but Rossi has 
mentioned in the past that lead is used.
I think you should dream up another source for occasional gamma emissions to 
support your illusion other than radium.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:




Your inexactitudein thinking is hard to overcome. Let us try another piece of 
info as follows:


When Rossi first stated his demonstrations and thepublic comments about them, 
his first few shows were marred by a troublesomecondition during startup and 
shutdown where significant gamma radiation wasproduced… Ifyou remember, Celani 
said about the January 14 demo…  
The simplest explanationis that Rossi used a radioactive trigger for startup - 
and then put it back inits cask. 
No one was allowed towitness Rossi’s startup, and the employment of an easily 
identified radioactivestarter like radium - could explain why. 
At no other time AFAIK -in the later tests, was any radioactivity witnessed. 
Tests run in Swedenreported no radioactivity in the ash. 
I would say that it isyour gullibility that is hard to overcome. 
It is incredulous that sucha reaction could be a nuclear transmutation of 
nickel to copper - and yet not leaveradioactive ash.



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