Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

> Jed, while this might be different groups, I get the impression that many
> people trying to make sense from his claims do not think highly of Rossi as
> a scientist, yet they will use his claims in their explanations. A person
> can not have it both ways.

My understanding is that Rossi does not do mass spectroscopy himself. He is
only reporting results that other people obtained. I don't know who is
other people are. At one point he said he does not know much about these
results or about mass spectroscopy. So his abilities as a scientist is not
an issue.

I doubt he is making up these mass spec results. A person who does not
trust him at all might suspect that.

> But this does not give a person freedom to ignore what is well known and
> imagine anything even when it conflicts with hundreds of years of study.
>  How far do you think this freedom to propose anything should go?

Well . . . it is a long shot, but if Mills were to come up with definitive
experimental proof of his theory I guess everyone would buy it, even though
it seems to contradict a great deal of modern physics.

I would give people complete freedom to overthrow every aspect of science
if their experiment is good enough. When people do not perform experiments
but merely spin theories, I cannot judge and I have no interest.

- Jed

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