From: Joshua Cude 
                Kevin, You just drove a stake through the heart of one of
the silliest arguments on record. 
                Cude: "Tritium is detected at levels below what is necessary
to explain excess heat"
                Who cares? TRITIUM IS DETECTED !  Get it? This essentially
proves the LENR phenomenon is real.
                Cude: I missed the obligatory "tritium is claimed to be
detected", and no even if it's detected, there could be contamination,
accidental or deliberate.

That is an absurd cop-out. There are dozens of papers by four top PhDs at
the top tritium facility in the World, LANL. Yet Cude wants to suggest that
the hundreds of experiments at LANL where tritium is detected are all
nothing but measure error - and furthermore that the management of the
facility was deceived and continued to fund the researchers for many years.

Get a life, Cude - you are so far off-base in your strained attempt to
salvage a bogus stance, that you risk pushing yourself into some kind of
mental illness.
                If this is such indisputable proof, why is it that
intelligent people don't buy it? Do they hate the thought of clean and
abundant energy? We know that's not the case from the events of 1989.

Once again you're trying to conflate tritium with heat. Forget 1989, take a
deep breath and focus only on the tritium findings at Los Alamos. We will
not let you get away with that kind of arrogant appeal to "measurement
error" in this circumstance. These papers are about producing tritium using
LENR, and that does not necessarily involve excess heat. 

You are clearly in denial of the tritium results, for the simple reason that
it crushes the very foundation of your skepticism.

What you really hate is that fact that tritium (with or without heat)
absolutely proves the reality of LENR - since tritium is so unique and
non-natural - it is the gold standard. You cannot tolerate the reality of
LENR, even without heat - so instead of moving on to the issue of whether
heat can be made in a commercially useful way, you have to resort to this
kind of silly denial - by suggesting that all of this work at Los Alamos was
nothing but measurement error.

You should be ashamed of yourself for this kind of transparent intellectual



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