Mark Gibbs <> wrote:

> Does anyone know what happens when Rossi's reactor goes out of control?
> Does it melt down or just stop working?

It melts. Rossi says it is perfectly safe, but this report says:

"The tests held in December 2012 and March 2013 are in fact subsequent to a
previous attempt in November 2012 to make accurate measurements on a
similar model of the E-Cat HT on the same premises. In that experiment the
device was destroyed in the course of the experimental run, when the steel
cylinder containing the active charge overheated and melted."

Rossi claimed the early, water cooled version of his reactor was perfectly
safe, but when it spiked to 100 kW briefly and seemed to be going out of
control, he was reportedly worried. I would have been out the door, knowing

He also says it produces no harmful radiation. Celani secretly brought two
radiation meter to the test. When the reactor started up, both went off the
scale. If that had lasted a second or two, all 50 observers would be dead.
Rossi was very upset when he discovered that Celani had measured this. It
is a trade secret, apparently.

Rossi has a cavalier attitude toward safety. It is typical of a hands-on
experimentalist. Ohomori was same way. His experiments were so dangerous,
they scared Mizuno, who does not scare easily. I believe Ohmori has cancer.
His daughter told me that. He might have died.

- Jed

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