On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 7:53 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

The question boils down to who do you really believe. DO you believe what
> Mary Yugo tells you, or do you believe what J.Hadjichristos is saying.
> I have, do, and will trust J.Hadjichristos unconditionally in every case.
> If you trust Mary Yugo, more fool you. I’m just saying.

I hesitate to even mention that I don't believe what Mary "tells me."  She
raised a question, and it was one that is worth thinking about.  Obviously
you don't believe what Hadjichristos says unconditionally.  I don't know
why you'd say that.  It's a silly thing to say.


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