On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 11:41 PM, Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com>wrote:

> it seems National instruments asked such doublinded test in 2012,
> according to the conference of Concezz in Rome (and Brussels)...

Do you have any better links, I find this test interesting a.t.m.

Of cause when the risk of fraud and ugly gaming is present, a correct test
is more delicate. The nice thing with a
old time LENR test is that the researchers can be assumed to not perform a
fraud. It's possible to skip the suggested
skeptic group and just make sure the testers are honest about not peeking
the kind of water. Actually believing in LENR+ is much easier if LENR is
proven interesting. So it would certainly help attracting capital and humans
for LENR+


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