Hello Steven

Blacklightpower has made a 10W CIHT cell which can produce electricity from watervapour. The composition of the electrode is such that the hydrino producing reaction is facilitated and the electronshifts caused by transition of the electrons to sub groundstate levels can be used externally like in a battery. These cells work at high temperature ( few hundred dgrC ) so they must be well insulated. By using a very good insulation the cell should stay hot, bcs the reaction will also produce heat. The focus of BLP lies in the construction of an electrode that can function at such a high temperature for a very long time without degradation and to scaleup the powerdensity of the reaction in order to make the cell more compact. To build a system of 1000W would then be relatively simple by using 100 cells.

Peter v Noorden

----- Original Message ----- From: "OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson" <orionwo...@charter.net>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2013 12:42 AM
Subject: [Vo]:

This was recently posted out on the Yahoo group: "Society for Classical
Dr. Mill's Yahoo group:

The recent FAQ under the CIHT topic mentions that "The CIHT cell has
been scaled to 10 W, and a development projection with the achieved
significant increase in surface power density is a 1.5 kW electric module
that can be ganged accordingly to serve larger power applications." It
also talks about the 1.5kw pre-production prototype expected by the end
of 2013.

Here we are near the end of 2013 and I have to ask, why aren't we hearing
about a public demo of the 10W version? It was actually projected for a
couple of years ago and is apparently working at BLP. We keep hearing
about the scaling up, but as another poster observed earlier, "nothing
to hang your hat on". Whither the 10W demo?

-- Lynn

I'll be curious to find out what Dr. Mills might choose to say on the

I thought the web site was monitored. I was surprised to see it get posted.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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