Dave, I don’t know what video you have seen. Do not be spooked by numbers in 
the disclosure: Mills has indicated that the actual activation power level is 
much lower. Do read the paper “Solid Fuels that form HOH catalyst”. The key 
fact in the present scene is the *nascent H2O* can be a catalyst. By “nascent” 
is meant *newly created*, not part of liquid water. This avoids the need to 
electrolyze water to get H, which takes energy. The paper cites several 
molecules which accept water. When heated to moderate temperatures, nascent HOH 
is formed with can Induce other H atoms to the hydrino state with the release 
of lots of energy. The fuel pellets are apparently conductive enough that bust 
of current will kick the temperature up to the activation point. Apparently the 
pellet is not destroyed; once hydrated again it can be reused. [this is first 
BLP implementation that can be weaponized – it could be potent. 


The patent application has an illustration of a two cylinder of nominal 
standard configuration. The text suggests that this could be powered by a 
slurry containing HOH. I think this is just a placeholder to stke a claim 
against some future conversion to BLP ‘water engines’.


There are two other exotic engines of interest: Papp and Stanley Meyer. I 
“know” of both, but have not seen documents. If you read the paper cite above 
you might be intrigued. Papp showed an engine of nominal standard configuration 
which ran nominally on ‘activated ’noble gases. Meyer a conventional IC engine 
that was powered electrolyzed water, but the electrolysis was anomalously 
superefficient so there was power gain in burning it. Neither Papp nor Meyer 
documented their work [or perhaps did not understand their work for it to be 
duplicated.] Some enthusiast will see in Mills a rediscovery of these 
inventors. It happens that several ionized noble gases and nascent water can be 
BLP catalysts. Mills has clearly found that 2H can catalyze a third H, which 
may be source of excess heat in LENR experiments [I have made this suggestion 
on CMNS and have been studiously ignored]


Mike Carrell


From: David Roberson [mailto:dlrober...@aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:09 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:PESN: Mills explains upcoming BLP demo


The video raises my expectations quite a bit, but there are many questions that 
need to be answered before I will be convinced that it works well.  My main 
question at this point is why do they need 10,000 amps of drive current to get 
the power output?  If the dynamic impedance is .1 ohms, which is typical and 
not very large, then the input power could be the same as the output at 10 
MWatts.  Nothing is said about the duty cycle of that large input power, so if 
it is low, perhaps this device performs somewhat similar to the ECAT. 

Home use of a device of this power level would be problematic due to the 
extremely large input drive power requirement.  Perhaps they can scale it down 
to a level that would be more manageable for a single home or vehicle.  Axil 
seems to think the device operates like a form of PaPP machine and that may be 
the case.   My opinion is that it is too early to know exactly what they have 
built, but it would be great if it can operate with a COP of 3 or more.  Since 
the output appears to be DC, the generator efficiency should already be taken 
into account. 

Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for a miracle.





-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tue, Jan 21, 2014 12:53 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:PESN: Mills explains upcoming BLP demo

Not every photon which encounters an atom or ion will photoionize it. The 
probability of photoionization is related to the photoionization cross-section, 
which depends on the energy of the photon and the target being considered. For 
photon energies below the ionization threshold, the photoionization 
cross-section is near zero. But with the development of pulsed lasers it has 
become possible to create extremely intense, coherent light where multi-photon 
ionization may occur. At even higher intensities (around 1015 - 1016 W/cm2 of 
infrared or visible light),  <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-perturbative> 
non-perturbative phenomena such as barrier suppression ionization and 
rescattering ionization are observed.



 I suggest that Mills add some chlorine and/or helium to his concoction to 
provide more powerful x-ray production from his spark. 






On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:56 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am very impressed. My initial suspicion has been bolstered that Mills has 
developed a new version of the Papp engine.


It is a Wankel engine variation that has 60 reaction spaces that fire at 200 
times a minute. That is a firing rate of 12,000 pulses/minute,  as compared to 
500 for the Papp engine.

The fuel produces nanoparticles that are super ionized by the arc where only 
the innermost electrons of the crystal remain unaffected in their atomic orbits.

>From Papp technology, there is little heat produced by the reaction:
 almost complete photo ionization of the potassium and hydrogen nanoparticles.

Milles most probably is using potassium carbonate as the catalyst because it 
has the proper engineering characteristics to produce nanoparticles.

Even though Papp technology is open source, the Mills engine design is original 
and innovative so his intellectual property claim might hold up.

Here is a snippet from Papp engine theory that explains the basics of the power 
production principles. Remember that water and potassium can produce solid 
nanoparticles just like noble gases do. 


Where does the explosive force come from?

The force produced in the Papp engine comes from the explosion of these 
clusters of gas and water atoms under the excitation of ultraviolet and x-rays. 
As the energy of this EMF goes up so does the explosive power of the clusters.

When TNT explodes, the mass of the expanding gas is high but the speed of the 
associated shockwave is relatively low.

On the other hand, the shockwave produced in the Papp cluster explosion 
reaction is some appreciable fraction of the speed of light even if the mass of 
the gas ions involved in the cluster fragment expansion is small when compared 
to what happens in a chemical based explosion.

Even with these large differences in the parameters in the equation of force, 
the forces produced in these two dissimilar reactions; that is, between 
chemical explosion and electromagnetic shockwave generation as a product of the 
mass and velocity is similar in magnitude. 

The more a cluster is ionized, the easier it is for x-ray photons to further 
ionize additional electrons in that cluster.

Energy levels in bulk materials are significantly different from materials in 
the nanoscale. Let’s, put it this way: Adding energy to a confined system such 
as a cluster is like putting a tiger in a cage. A tiger in a big zoo with open 
fields will act more relaxed, because he has a lot of room to wander around. If 
you now confine him in smaller and smaller areas, he gets nervous and agitated. 
It's a lot that way with electrons. If they're free to move all around through 
a metal, they have low energy. Put them together in a cluster and beam x-rays 
on them, they get very excited and try to get out of the structure. 

In getting to the breaking point, when the ionized cluster eventually reaches 
an ionization limit where the remaining electrons cannot sustain the structural 
integrity of the cluster any longer, an explosive disintegration of the cluster 
and subsequent plasma expansion of the positive ions and electrons which once 
formed the cluster occurs.

Multi-electron ionization of molecules and clusters can be realized by 
photoionization of strong x-ray photons.

The multi-electron ionization leads to an explosive disintegration of the 
cluster together with the production of multi-charged atomic ions fragments. 

The kinetic energy of the product ions formed by this explosion is of the order 
of several or tens eV in a diatomic, hundreds of eV in small van der Waals(VDW) 
clusters,  and 100 KeV to 1 MeV in large (n > 1000) VDW clusters.

What causes this accelerating weakening of the structure under the onslaught of 
x-ray photons radiation is “barrier suppression ionization”.

The initial arrival of x-ray photons begin the formation of plasma that is 
localized within the cluster itself.

The electrons initially dislodged by the x-ray photons orbit around the outside 
of the cluster. These electrons lower the coulomb barrier holding the electrons 
that remain orbiting the cluster’s inner atoms. These remaining electrons 
reside in the inner orbits closer in to the nuclei of their atoms. 

Excess electric negative charge in the gas carrying the clusters will also add 
to the suppression of the coulomb barrier further supporting cascading cluster 
Papp uses every trick in the book to pack as many electrons in the noble gas 
mix as he possibly can.

When enough electrons are removed, the structure of the cluster cannot sustain 
itself any longer and the cluster explodes.

In order to take advantage of the energy produced by “barrier suppression 
ionization”, the designers of the Papp reaction must satisfy two main 
engineering goals: first, large noble gas clusters must be formulated, and two, 
copious amounts of high energy x-ray photons must be produced.

Where Excess Power Comes From

The Excess energy might come about when the x-ray photons lower the coulomb 
barrier during the cluster explosion chain reaction process. “Barrier 
suppression ionization” changes the way electrostatic charge attraction and 
repulsion work; that is, it modifies the vacuum energy.


When the cluster explodes and the cluster is destroyed and electrons are 
drained from the gas, the rule of electrostatic charge repulsion returns back 
to normal.

The bigger the cluster that can be fabricated, the more energy is derived from 
the cluster explosion chain reaction process because the cluster stays together 
for a longer time and therefore more energy can be “pulled out of the vacuum”.

The power that you can get out of the noble gas clusters is exponentially 
proportional to the intensity of the x-rays that you can produce.

The more ionization you can produce in the cluster, the higher that the kinetic 
energy of the exploding ions will have. This energy goes up exponentially with 
the ionization level.

With xenon, the ionization level can go up to +40. You can only imagine how 
powerful those exploding xenon ions can become. The other noble gases behave in 
a similar way.

But with helium, there are only 2 electrons, so what we see now in my current 
experiments are ionization energy levels that are very small.

At the end of the day, there are two important parameters that define the level 
of power that can be produced in the Papp reaction, cluster size and x-ray 

Noble gas cluster creation and destruction must be an ongoing, repetitive, and 
endless process in the Papp cylinder.

Lowering the coulomb barrier is where the energy derived from cold fusion 
ultimately comes from, and this lowering is caused by electron screening 
produced by large numbers of high energy electrons.

Experiment on Xenon explosion processes have found that the energy released by 
and exploding Xenon cluster is about 2.5 KeV.

Here are some detailed experimental results involving the explosion of an Xenon 
How hot is 2.5 KeV?


1 eV = 11604.505 Kelvin.

Xenon Cluster fragments are hot after explosion at
 (2.500 eV) (11604.505 ) =  29,011,262.5 degrees

The energy produced when a cluster with 1500 atoms explodes is (2.5 KeV)(1500) 
= 3750 KeV or 3.75 MeV

By comparison a uranium atom produces 200 MeV when it fissions.




On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

Sort of explains. More info than I have seen so far. See:





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