On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:29 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

By the way. the patent is written to confuse and it is successful. The
> patent defines every voltage, amperage, pulse rate and arc duration, and
> every chemical that exists. In short, it says everything and its says
> nothing.

That is consistent with what Mike Carrel was saying.

I am beginning to draw a similar conclusion about hydrinos.  I suspect the
theory is a red herring to distract people and make it harder to copy.  The
whole theory introduces as many problems as, and perhaps more than, the
ones it seeks to resolve (namely, excess heat).  One almost gets the
impression we are being teased with it -- see how much you will believe if
we tell you what you want to hear?  The only reason I continue to suspend
disbelief on it is because Robin and Jones are willing to entertain
modified versions of it, but I suspect they are being overly generous.

I'm reminded of a quote about forged paintings from one of the main
characters in American Hustle, a movie that recently came out -- "People
believe what they want to believe because the guy who made this was so good
that it's real to everybody. Now who's the master, the painter or the


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