On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 1:31 PM, James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  .
> When the MFMP says they are ready to claim they've sufficient signal to
> noise and sufficient replicability,
***The MFMP says they intend to test a NANOR
but they haven't.  The latest results from Dr. Hazeltein at MIT show a COP
of 80, as opposed to the Celani wire which at MFMP is showing a COP of
1.125.  There is a need for more activity in this open source realm.

> they will be in a position to submit that experimental protocol to a
> judging board
***There is no such judging board.  That is why my proposal says that the
judges should be of the choosing of the XPrize committee.

> along with funds to support replication by those skilled in the art
***"Skilled in the art" is too confining.  We need to encourage those who
are not currently "skilled in the art" and the best way to do that is with
prize money.

> as agreed by the judging board and MFMP.

> The question is whether it is worthwhile attempting to raise money for the
> prize prior to MFMP claiming they have achieved said replicability.
***The simple fact is, the Pons-Fleischmann Anomalous Heat Event has been
replicated more than 14,000 times.  Waiting for one particular organization
to replicate it is a fool's errand.


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