On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My proposal for X-Prize is more of a grassroots movement to replicate the
> gamma rays & excess heat seen by the MFMP, and for the experiments to be
> done at a Techshop.  Such an arrangement probably isn't suitable to a
> company trying to sell a product and keeping a tight grip on their IP.

When the MFMP says they are ready to claim they've sufficient signal to
noise and sufficient replicability, they will be in a position to submit
that experimental protocol to a judging board along with funds to support
replication by those skilled in the art as agreed by the judging board and

The question is whether it is worthwhile attempting to raise money for the
prize prior to MFMP claiming they have achieved said replicability.

For the reasons Randy Wuller gives, we can't expect the X-Prize foundation
to support such a prize, so it will probably have to be a kickstarter

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