Steven wrote:

      | Do we currently possess appropriate technology that could, for example, 
allow us to cut grooves
      | and valleys in the target surface material on an appropriate 
nano-scale? I realize nano-scale means
      | working with structures as small as at the atomic scale.
FYI (pardon my interjecting):
You may be interested in looking up, “Nanoimprint Lithography”:
Photolithography (using Light/Photons) has severe limitations when reaching the 
nanoscale.  E-Beam
Lithography has High Resolution but very low Throughput, not to mention cost.  
Typically, a “master”
would be made using e-Beam and transferred to an appropriate material for 
... Combining Nanoimprint Lithography with Ion Etching/Milling (and perhaps 
Sputtering), etc., could
allow one to achieve the desired Nanoscale Structures.  Whether Nanoscale 
Surface Structures are
needed is another question that needs addressing, but I believe Nanoimprinting 
(although not as
cheap as we’d all like, right now!) would be a good way to proceed.
... One may also get by with simple nanoindentation if large 
patterning/replication isn’t necessary.
Verification/Testing could be done by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and 
possibly Contact AFM
- Mark Jurich

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