Yes, Mizuno's work, according to the recent MIT presentation, is shaping up
as a reaction which implies fission of the deuteron, not fusion to higher


This is called "neutron stripping." 


It was discovered many years ago and is relatively low energy. We have
discussed it many times in the past on vortex, before Ni-H became so
important. In short - the only known quantum reaction to take deuterium to
hydrogen without thermodynamic splitting (2.2 MeV) is called the
Oppenheimer-Philips reaction. Wiki has a poor writeup


The problem is - what is happening to all those lost neutrons, even with a
polyneutron species? 


And why does Mizuno's experiment work well with H2 and/or D2 since H2 cannot
be stripped? 




it seems Mizuno measurement show the inverse reaction


pep reactions seems to make atomic number grows




Mizuno results seems opposite, or maybe an illusion of mass spectrography


It seems a good way to understand what happen, but we should differentiate
DD/ He4, and  HH/D,, and  T/DH/He3



Steve, have a look at a paper of Edmund Storms (recently brought under the
attention by Alain via LinkedIn):


He proposes following processes happening in the reactors of Rossi/Defkalion
(using light Hydrogen):


d+e+d > 4H (fast decay) > 4He + e Q=~23 MeV

d+e+p > 3H (slow decay) > 3He + e Q=~4.9 MeV [22, 23]

p+e+p > 2H (stable) Q=~1.4 MeV

t+e+p > 4H > 4He + e

t+e+d > 5H > 4H + n > 4He + e

The Q values give an estimated overall energy release.


Something very similar could be the case in Mizuno's latest setup (skipping
the 1H to 2H step). 



On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Steve High <> wrote:

Having been at the meeting I would be pleased to add an item of
clarification. The input gas was in fact molecular deuterium. An innovation
that they made a big deal of at the meeting was a device placed inside the
reactor that allowed them to monitor the composition of the circulating gas
in real time, in terms of atomic number. Thus at the beginning of the run
they were registering atomic number 4 (molecular deuterium) and during the
run there was a progressive decline in 4. A transient rise in 3 occurred
(they didn't know if it was tritium or possibly 
Helium 3) then that level declined again. The item that progressively rose
during the run was atomic number 2(they didn't know if that was atomic
deuterium or molecular hydrogen). Any speculation from the group as to why
that might happen? As an matter of coincidence or god forbid synchronicity
the output of Fisher's polyneutron theory was molecular hydrogen (IIRC)

        The opening slide was an image of Japanese gradeschoolers wearing
masks for protection from Fukushimas monstrous effluent. Underscore an
enhanced willingness on the part of Japanese government and industry to get
behind Mizuno's innovation 
Steve High









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