Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  Apparently the mass spec and quadrupole are outside the experiment, and
> could not have been contributory.

When they took those photos I think the mass spec & quadrupole were sitting
there, not hooked into the experiment yet. I saw the quadrupole gadget
years ago when I was there. Months ago, they did the experiment by doing
glow discharge with rarefied gas, then filling the cell with a lot more
gas. The gas would stay there for the entire test. I think after the test
they would sometimes run a sample through a mass spectrometer.

They occasionally saw some anomalous heat during the initial glow discharge
phase, presumably when some nanoparticles were already formed.

I have not seen new slides and I was not there for the lecture, but my
impression is they have now set up the mass spectrometer in a loop, where
the gas passes through the spectrometer into the cell, out again and around
and around.

Mizuno did not send me slides, I suppose because Yoshino has them. I guess
he just got home. It takes a long time. If I get slides I will upload them
toot sweet as they (don't) say in Gay Paree.

- Jed

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