From: Bob Cook 


I would have said that Storms process would have seen an increase in atomic
4 mass in the form of 4He.   NRL indicated that there was a production of He
in their Pd experiments consistent with Storms proposed process.  Storms has
long said on this blog that  his theory was reflects the data.   I would say
the Mizuno tests, if the conclusion on the decrease of atomic mass 4 is
correct, contradicts Storms theory.  


IMHO, this experiment does not contradict - so much as it adds another route
to gain. 


Storm’s theory is applicable to some experiments more than others, but this
one is not one of them, since amu of the reactant gas is going down instead
of up. 


In fact, in earlier work, Mizuno says that he believes that deuterium fuses
to helium, but that cannot be the case here, since they is not increase in
amu=4 and in fact it is going the other way. 


This only reinforces the notion that LENR is a mélange of many energetic
reactions, some of which are more favored than others but the same
experiment can have several routes operating at once.


Because this experiment is so well done – and so impressive in its
thoroughness, it looks to be the best thing to happen in the LENR field for
many years 


(including Rossi, which was grossly deficient and substandard in the
details…  although curiously, this work validates AR, in ways that his own
work cannot) 



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