Axil Axil <> wrote:

If it only cost you your time, then like tesla be naïve, shocked and
> disgusted then try to destroy the offender. Tesla did.

For $1,400? Are you crazy? I wouldn't even bother to tell a credit rating
agency for that kind of money.

Defkalion is a two-bit company with an ever changing mailing address and a
web page that is down for weeks. They have never published a single
credible report, or any real data. Their presentations are amateur. The
only thing I heard from people who visited them was "meh." Or, "I wouldn't
bother going back." If they have something they are doing a lousy job
demonstrating it.

Okay, they may have something. I can't rule that out. But they have zero
business credibility. I do not take them seriously.

 It's how business is done.

No, this is not how business is done. Maybe it is in Russia, possibly in
Greece, but not in the U.S. You don't know much about business if you think
this is how it is done. This is how you destroy your own credit rating.

- Jed

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