Axil Axil <> wrote:

When Rossi decided to leave DGT holding the bag by pulling out of the deal,
> DGT was faced with a forced closure of their operation.

As far as I know, he pulled out because they said they would pay him a
large sum of money, but they did not. That is a perfectly good reason to
pull out of a business deal. People do that all the time.

DGT owes me a small sum of money, $1,400. They said many times that they
would pay, then they made up a series of absurd excuses for not paying,
then they told me they *had* paid, by wire transfer. I told them they must
have wired the money to the wrong person. (That is preposterous; that never
happens.) So, that leaves two possibilities:

1. Defkalion is broke. They can't even pay $1,400, never mind the millions
they owed to Ross.

2. Defkalion has money but they are a bunch of crooks and deadbeats.

The language they use, the stalling tactics, and the ridiculous excuses
they gave me point to the latter. But I wouldn't know. I am not a
credit-rating agency. I have not investigated them. Knowing only what I
know, I would not recommend lending them money or signing contracts with

- Jed

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