Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

So, is it OK to accuse DGT of anything without providing any names, photos?

I am not "accusing" them of anything. They themselves announced they were
closing down operations in Greece, years ago. One or two of their people
moved to Canada. The rest of the staff quit.

They said they could not get funded in Greece, so they had to close down
the lab there. THEY said that, not me.

They said they hoped to get funding in Canada. Obviously, they did not get
it, because they still have no employees.

They had some kind of facility in Italy which they used during the ICCF17
demo. I do not know about that one. The one I know about was in Greece.
They told Lewan they spend 7 million Euros there. It was an impressive lab.

> And I am not calling "people" "liars", just you.

No one is calling anyone a liar! I am repeating what Defkalion announced in
their press release, that the lab was closing down.

>  That's because you should be the first to know how fragile cold fusion
> is, but you are shamelessly badmouthing a company that may really change
> world.

I do not see how they can change the world. They have two non-technical
people, no money, not a single paper, and apparently no product. Many
technical experts visited them, as described in the book. As far as I know,
not a single one of those experts saw a convincing test. Most of them said
the calorimetry did not work. If they have a convincing test done by an
outside expert, they should publish it. They promised to do this years ago.
They themselves are holding back all of the evaluations under NDAs that
they themselves insisted on. If they have a positive report they could
dissolve the NDA and publish it any time.

In my opinion, until they publish an independent evaluation, they have no
credibility. They have never published ANYTHING technical. Not even a
calibration curve. They do not get a free pass.

We do not help the cause of cold fusion by giving credibility to people who
have done nothing to deserve it. People who do not publish scientific data
themselves, or allow scientists to examine and freely publish their
findings. Rossi is no scientist. His own tests are inexcusably sloppy. But
he allowed the people from Elforsk to test his machine, and he let them

- Jed

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