Axil Axil <> wrote:
> Jed is always very short on details and is seldom open at first he just
> states his opinion as true and says "trust me". Name names. Give us every
> detail. Put a stake through the heart of Defkalion or stop the Joe McCarthy
> impersonation. Getting the real facts out of Jed is like pulling teeth.
There are no facts! THERE ARE NO DETAILS! That is my whole point. That's
what I have been saying, again and again. Defkalion has published NOTHING.
No one paper. Not so much as a calibration curve.

They did a video demonstration at ICCF17. Some months later they came out
and said the flow rate measurement was not right so the results were

They said that many experts visited them and confirmed the results. They
said they would publish these evaluations. That was 2 years ago. Not one
evaluation has been published. All of the experts I know who went there are
under NDA but they told me a little. They said "it did not work." Period.

So, the ball is in your court. If you know of *any* evidence that they have
something, tell us about it. Anything at all! If you do not know of
anything, then why do you believe them? This is science, not religion. You
have to see proof. You should not believe a technical claim because a
corporation publishes empty public relations blather.

It is up to Defkalion to make a scientific case. If you believe them, it is
up to you to point to some published scientific information.

- Jed

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