A macroscopic test of the Aharonov-Bohm

In conclusion, we have shown that there is no force acting on an electron
passing by a “macroscopic” solenoid of a magnitude that can potentially
explain the AB-effect. All force explanations leading to a time delay (Eq.
(4)) can be ruled out

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  We have not discussed the  Aharonov-Bohm effect to my knowledge as a
> mechanism for transmission of energy from NAE in the LENR recent
> discussions.  It may create another magnetic coupling mechanism in the
> solid state.  This effect is discussed in the Canadian's patent and
> demonstrates the existence of the magnetic wave which has a magnetic A
> vector potential and a PHI electric scalar potential with the A vector
> pointing along the direction of the propagation which also, I think occurs
> at the speed of light in a vacuum.  I do not remember what the rules are
> for the speed of the wave in a medium.
> Do we have a new coupling mechanism for energy transfer in LENR systems
> because of the design of the transmitters and receivers in the Nano
> structures?
> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net>
> *To:* vortex-l@eskimo.com
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 07, 2014 7:08 AM
> *Subject:* RE: [Vo]:Vector Potential Wave Radio
>  This is what Tesla supposedly accomplished in Long Island at the
> Wardenclyffe Tower a hundred years ago. He was said to have driven a
> converted car around which was powered by the transmission.
> Of course, this would suggest that if “vector potential waves” are the
> source of that power, then instead of an inverse square fall-off from the
> transmitter, there is a directed wave focusing effect - with much less
> diminution… which is what Tesla thought was happening.
> As I recall – there are skeptics who doubt this story… but the Canadian’s
> may have rediscovered it. Their patent
> https://www.google.com/patents/US8165531
> *From:* Roarty, Francis X
> I am also “skeptical” but not willing to totally discount it just yet..
> too many similarities between superconducting, fractal meta antennas and
> all the recent comments regarding the Dirac sea / ZPE / entanglement/
> spooky action at a distance / spins cancelling 1D singlets,
> *From:* David Roberson
> I am skeptical of this one James.
> It has always amazed me how a tsunami can travel at hundreds of miles per
> hour across the open sea while normal sea waves move much slower.
> Something of a similar nature might occur with electromagnetic waves as far
> as I know.   Could this system work in a similar fashion with radio waves?
> Lets see the evidence that these guys have really found something new and
> not just another method of viewing the same old phenomena.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Bowery
> New Radio Wave Requires No Transmitter 
> Power!<http://www.lbagroup.com/blog/new-radio-wave-requires-no-transmitter-power/>
> McMaster Professor Natalia Nikolova and her husband Robert
> ZimmermanMcMaster research engineer Professor Natalia Nikolova, and her
> husband Robert Zimmerman, have verified the existence of a new type of
> radio wave called the Vector Potential Wave. This wave was first predicted
> in 1880 by British mathematician James Clerk Maxwell, but had never been
> directly detected until this summer here on McMaster campus in the
> Communications Research Lab>.
> Dr. Nikolova comments, “One of the most enigmatic predictions of Maxwell
> was his concept of the magnetic vector potential. Until recently most
> engineers believed it was only a mathematical concept with no physical
> reality. Now, more than 125 years later, we have realized a magnetic vector
> potential detector which allows measuring the wave at any distance from a
> microwave antenna.”
> Nikolova and her husband have been working on this development nearly 2
> years. Zimmerman feels that the new discovery will ultimately lead to radio
> and television transmissions which do not require energy. On a more
> fundamental level, he added, “Maxwell was correct all along.”
> The novelty of the discovery is that while the transmission requires very
> little energy, the reception of the wave requires that an active battery
> operated receiver be used. This is distinct from usual AM radio
> transmissions, where much energy is radiated by the transmitter, and the
> receiver can be a ‘crystal set’ with no battery.
> The detector developed by the research team is a plasma device looking
> like a fluorescent tube which displays super-conducting properties for
> radio signals. Nikolova is quick to add, “The device is at room temperature
> but acts like a superconductor, as predicted by Fritz London in 1930.”
> Nikolova and Zimmerman plan on submitting their results this week to the
> research journal *The Physical Review* of the American Physical Society.
> Zimmerman is a former Director of Engineering of LBA 
> Technology<http://www.lbagroup.com/technology/index.php>
> .

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