
I have glanced at your web site.  I have not taken a close look at your
research, but I would not be surprised if you ended up being onto something
about doppler radar being a source of hypoxia, oxygen free radicals and the
death of nearby animal and plant life.  You also have a theory of dark
matter, and a hunch that dark matter is indirectly responsible for the
conclusions concerning doppler radar that you arrive at in your informal

On the connection to dark matter, I personally have no opinion.  I am
skeptical, however, that your research is sufficient to establish any kind
of linkage between the effects of doppler radar and dark matter, however.
 In light of this doubt, I think you might be able to get your
investigation into doppler radar out to a wider audience if you did not
combine it with the question of dark matter.  Adding dark matter into the
mix asks too much of people in their suspension of disbelief for them to be
able to give much credibility to your doppler radar hunch, even if both
hunches ended up being true.


On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 5:55 PM, ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

> Radar/Call SignMHTModel ASR-9Max Pulsed Power (Watts)1,300,000Gain 
> (dBi)34Frequency
> (MHz)2,800RPM12.5Max Power Density (W/m2) @ 10 km 10.39Pulse
> Duration(uSec)1.00Pulse Repition Factor (Hz)1,000Range Est. (Miles)60
> Latitude42.937248 Longitude-71.437286FIPS33011CountyHillsboroughStateNH

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