Imagine where CF would be if it had enjoyed the same level of investment
and R&D as the failed hot fusion projects, which have produced nothing
(well maybe about 1 triumphant second of COP > 1.0) for decades, and
continues to get a free pass based on an endless parade of false promises.
I much rather deal with disappointments in the CF field, knowing at least
that COP well greater than 1 is achievable, and would be consistent if the
patent office wasn't a political monstrosity and CF actually got some real
money invested into it to figure out the mechanism. All things considered
I'd say the CF field has been a great success these last 25 years.

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Paul Breed <> wrote:

> I've now been watching this field for the better part of 30yrs.
> I remember the hope that accompanied the P+F  announcement.
> I started paying more attention again about 18 mo ago.
> If one was to graph credibility and  percentage of break even carnot COP
> IMHO I would have to put the 50% credible line at a COP of 2 and
> temperature of 100C.
> I keep hoping that  some one will show up with a device that  can reliably
> close the loop and generate more
> energy than in uses in a closed loop.  I'm still waiting, Ive been waiting
> for close to 30 years.
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Daniel Rocha <>wrote:
>> I don't know how to judge mankind. Each person is a universe in itself, I
>> don't know how to tell if they are good or evil, a binary division. But in
>> general, people respond to what is present to their senses. So, creating a
>> fog is not necessarily "evil", it may be necessary, in some circumstances,
>> to even save one's neck.
>> 2014-05-15 15:34 GMT-03:00 Lennart Thornros <>:
>>>   This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! (
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>>> Daniel - I basically believe in the positive side of man kind. Any false
>>> information will do no good. Just the opposite. I am aware that there is
>>> evil people but they have no room to play if information is forthcoming in
>>> a complete and accurate form.
>> --
>> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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