-----Original Message-----
From: mix...@bigpond.com 

>AA: The power density implied by a continuous 6 month test of Rossi's
reactor tells me that the energy source that drives  the Ni/H reactor must
be nuclear and cannot chemical. This excludes the hydrino mechanism from

> RvS: Do you know how much Hydrogen was used during the test, and what the
energy release was?

Interesting point Robin, since this was a very long run - and presumably was
the Hot-Cat configuration (but that is not certain) ... so if there is a
small amount of metal hydride, a fixed amount from the start (as was claimed
in the original Hot-Cat report) - and given that a gram of nickel hydride
only holds a few milligrams of H2 - then that argues against BOTH
explanations: LENR and hydrino. 

There is simply not enough fuel for either.

However, even if no substantial hydrogen is consumed during the six months,
and the hydrogen present serves only as the carrier of energy from another
dimensions (which is available via quantum vacuum fluctuations) according to
such sources as:
...and since the energy density of "nothing" would be 110 orders of
magnitude greater than the radiant energy at the center of the Sun....

Well, the conclusion then, as unlikely as it may seem - is that a small
fixed amount of hydrogen argues against either LENR and f/H but not against
a Dirac/ZPE explanation, where protons act as the gateway to another

However, if hydrogen was added continuously during the long run (as
expected), then the amount consumed would tell us "volumes" about the nature
of the reaction by knowing the thermal output per atom consumed. If it was
in the range of 200 eV per atom of H2 then we are talking f/H reactions, and
if it is MeV range and up, per atom consumed, then we are talking nuclear.

We need to see these results, but according to the sparse record of the
Hot-Cat, and the fixed amount of starting fuel - then the reaction is most
likely neither LENR or the hydrino. 

In fact, that strange outcome - requiring the mention of a vacuum/ZPE/Dirac
source of energy transfer, would be very difficult for all of those PhDs to
swallow, and thus responsible for a much longer delay than if the reaction
can be pinned to nuclear.


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