On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> Aren’t you completely misinterpreting what this article states in trying to
> shoehorn it in LENR?

The article does indeed talk about an effect of one or two electrons on the
spin of a nucleus (or nucleon), rather than the other way around.  I'm also
going to guess that the amount of "torque" that can pass through this
system is weak, if an electron (or system of electrons) can affect the

There were two or three places where it sounded like the effect might be
somewhat bidirectional, e.g.: "The optimization is related to an embedded
three-spin (electron-electron-nucleus) process that mutually flips the
coupled three spins under the energy conservation (mainly) of the Zeeman
interactions."  The word "mutual" makes it sound like the spin of the
nucleus can have an effect on the spins of the two electrons.


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