Axil Axil <> wrote:

I have heard rumors that  Gamberale is a thief and a liar.

Well, in that case he isn't very good at being a thief and a liar, is he?
When he and his colleagues found a problem, they immediately informed their
customers and closed down the company. That is not how thieves and liars do
business, is it? That is the opposite of what a thief does.

I suspect that whoever told you those rumors has an agenda.

>  To the validity of this rumor, I cannot hold an informed opinion.

Yes, you can. You can apply common sense and modicum of logic, as I just
did. You can see that rumor is absurd.

>  At this juncture I cannot really know who to believe.

Why not? You saw the demonstration. You could see there were unexplained
fluctuations during the calibration. You read Cravens, me and others who
reported there were problems with the flow rate soon after the
demonstration. You have a statement from the President of Defkalion
confirming there were problems. Now you have a detailed report from
Gamberale describing the problems. Why do you have any doubt about the

There is only one open question: Was this a stupid mistake, or was it
deliberate fraud? It is hard to judge, but I do not think it makes much
difference. Either way, a person would be crazy to deal with the company.

- Jed

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